The Council Nomination Timeline
Step One (Current)
Early to mid February | A letter is sent to confessing members who are encouraged to submit the names of men and women they feel meet the qualifications of elder or deacon.
Step Two
Late-February to Mid-April | Council reviews the congregation’s input and then creates the list of potential nominees. Letters are mailed to those people. As part of the discernment process, current elders and deacons will have discussions with these people and answer any questions they have about serving.
Step Three
May | After receiving feedback from the discernment process, Council approves the final ballot of potential elders and deacons. Information and ballots are sent to confessing members for prayerful review.
Step Four
Mid-May | Members vote for nominees to fill open elder and deacon positions. After voting, the top vote recipients’ names will be placed in an envelope for selection by lot during a Sunday gathering in early June.
Step Five
June | New officebearers are installed during a Sunday gathering. Incoming and outgoing elders and deacons gather for a transitional Council meeting.