Council - Elders

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Qualifications for the Office of Elder

An elder is one who “shepherds the flock of God” (1 Peter 5:1-14), exercises oversight, has charge over the church (1 Thessalonians 5:12), and gives an account to God for the members of the church (Hebrews 13:17). The New Testament affirms the truth that the church is led by a plurality of qualified leaders who with unity and equality shepherd the local church. So critical is this spiritual office of leadership that it is essential to clearly understand the qualification of an elder. The leader who serves in the office of elder must be qualified in such a way that the church will willingly follow their leadership (see 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9).

Above Reproach

A person with a righteous reputation. Blameless, not being guilty of gross misbehavior unbecoming to leaders. One whose lifestyle is such that it affords no opportunity for a valid accusation of wrongdoing. Consistent character.

Temperate and Self-Controlled

Calm, cool, and collected. Remains steadfast, stable. A person who has sound judgment and demonstrates restraint.


Models a lifestyle that exemplifies the teachings of the Bible. A person who is orderly.

Not Given to Drunkenness

This requirement is not total abstinence but rather prohibits misuse leading to dependency on wine.

Committed to Spouse

Devoted completely to one’s spouse (if applicable).


An attitude of sharing blessings, especially desiring to open up one’s home to others.

Good Reputation Outside of the Church

A lifestyle of integrity so that one’s behavior is unquestioned even among the lost and is an example of Christ to them.

Lover of What is Good

A person who has a desire to do good and not evil.

Not a New Convert

One who has been saved long enough to demonstrate a level of maturity in lifestyle.

Upright (Just)

Fair-minded, impartial, and objective. Makes decisions based on principle, not prejudices. Does not show favoritism.

Holds Fast to the Faithful Word

Stable in one’s faith, obeying the Word of God. Able to show one’s knowledge of the Scripture in regular conversation “so that they can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” (Titus 1:9)

Not Violent or Quarrelsome, but Gentle

A person who is not physically or verbally abusive. Someone who deals with others with kindness and love.

Not in Love with Money or Dishonest Gain

One who is not preoccupied with amassing material possessions or involved in questionable business practices.

Not Overbearing

Not argumentative or quarrelsome.

Not Quick-tempered

Does not “fly off the handle” or have a “short fuse.”

Manages Own Household Well

Manages one’s family with love, sacrifice, wisdom, and firm leadership. A person who is a model leader to their children. A person who is single or does not have children can show strength of character in this area as it relates to their broader family and other spheres of influence.
